
Mountain bikers in Northern Kentucky can prove themselves next month on some hilly terrain while raising money to benefit the trails they ride on.

The Devou Frienduro is an endurance style mountain bike race in the hills of Devou Park in Covington. Devou Park is home to some of the longest climbs and fastest descents in Northern Kentucky, an announcement said. 

The event is scheduled for Aug. 7. Check in is at 10 a.m., and the race begins at 11 a.m. Racers can park at the Stone Shelter in Devou Park. Also at the shelter, participants can pick up their time chips. There are 170 slots available for entry.

After the race, riders will have the chance to congregate at Bircus Brewing in Ludlow for food, drinks and awards.

All proceeds will go to fund the Devou Backcountry Trails, and toward the development of the Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance trail network.

Kenton is a reporter for LINK nky. Email him at Twitter.