A cigarette in an ash tray. File photo | LINK nky

Bellevue City Council did a second reading and cast a vote on an ordinance curbing indoor smoking at Wednesday night’s council meeting. The ordinance passed by 5-0 vote, with all members voting to carry the ordinance except for council member Mike Almoslechner, who recused himself from voting due to a conflict of interest.

The first reading, on Jan. 11, included a discussion on the ban, which includes smoking at most indoor places of employment, government and city facilities, short-term rentals and hotels and healthcare facilities.

Private, member-only clubs as well as private residences that are not used as daycare centers or healthcare facilities are exempt from the ordinance. Restaurant and bar patrons are allowed to smoke at designated spaces outside of establishments as long as they maintain a minimum distance of 10 feet from non-smokers.

Neighboring Dayton voted to ban smoking at indoor establishments in September of last year.

The Northern Kentucky Department of Health is primarily responsible for enforcing the ban, although police officers can issue citations if necessary. First offenders will be fined $50 with fines increasing for subsequent offenses. Enforcement will begin on May 9, 90 days after the law’s passage.

A full text of the ordinance is available at the city of Bellevue’s website.

LINK nky will report more news related to the Bellevue smoking ban as it occurs.

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