From left to right: Beechwood Director of Bands Austin Bralley, Menez Scholarship winner Alejandra Saavedra, President of the Beechwood Band Boosters Jason Blair and Joe Menez. Photo provided | Beechwood Band Boosters

Beechwood High School Senior Honors program and the Beechwood Band Boosters honored senior Alejandra Saavedra as the 10th ever winner of the Sarah E. Menez Memorial Scholarship on Wednesday.

“I am honored that the scholarship committee recognized me for this award and, as importantly, am proud to be among those students that this scholarship has supported over the years,” Saavedra said upon receiving the award.

Saavedra’s accomplishments include positions in the Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra, the Cincinnati Youth Symphonic Wind Band, the Tri-state Flute Choir and the Kentucky Student Voice Team. She’s also a varsity tennis player and member of the high school’s National Honor Society.

“We are pleased to have this scholarship to promote purposes and qualities of character, musicianship and academic achievement in our students,” said Beechwood Band Boosters President Jason Blair in a press release. “It is always a challenge, however, to select one student from so many fine candidates.”

Saavedra will attend Emory University next year.

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