Michael Albanese co-founded Configure, Inc., a construction technology company.

Michael Albanese and Jeff Leuderalbert founded Configure, Inc., while working at Kohrs Lonnemann Heil (KLH) Engineers in Fort Thomas, KY.  With a combined 35 years of experience as consulting engineers, Michael and Jeff were working to connect technical product recommendations with the buyers and sellers collaborating on construction projects.  Configure is a construction technology company that connects designers or planners and builders with suppliers and manufacturers streamlining the equipment ordering process.  KLH Engineers is both a traditional mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering firm, but also develops software technologies to improve construction design, data, and consulting services.  The concept for Configure was developed within KLH and then launched successfully as an independent corporate spinout in January 2022, allowing both entities to pursue expanded opportunities.

LINK nky: Tell me what Configure does.

Michael Albanese: “The ordering process in Construction can be complicated.  Equipment recommendations made by industry experts are shared digitally and ordered manually.  The consequence is that construction projects struggle to understand pricing and lead time throughout the long project schedule.  Configure connects industry experts who are both recommending, buying, and selling products using manufacturer product data and AI. 

This enables collaborators to share and recommend products digitally from design to the field and allows the industry to order equipment directly in just a few clicks.  Configure allows manufacturers to use a distributed expert network to digitally promote products.  Their customers are matched to the network of local suppliers with a simplified ordering process. 

In application, construction documents, drawings, and specification sheets are transformed into opportunities to checkout and order.  The value is Configure connects people on a single platform when relationships don’t readily exist. 

This connection is critical in construction because many pieces of equipment in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing trades is engineered-to-ordered or custom.  Traditional e-commerce fails to meet the needs of this specialized equipment space as it neither underscores the value local suppliers provide nor resolves purchasing complexity.  We are focusing on helping manufacturers and suppliers with Configurable products and establishing integrated relationships that no single channel can replicate.”

LINK nky: What was it like taking that leap and starting your own company?

Albanese: “Previously as consulting engineers, my co-founder Jeff and I, were struggling with these problems every day.  A professional engineer is making design recommendations that fit the project needs and building owner’s intent while collaborating with manufacturers’ representatives.  It was imperative to build alignment around the project budget and the value and cost of equipment.

We benefited from being at a company that valued innovation and challenged the status quo.  Making the leap to start Configure allowed us to focus on the core problems and build technologies specific to manufacturers and suppliers. We had confidence stemming from our industry expertise and the support of a forward-thinking company that recognized the value of investing in an area adjacent to their core business.”

LINK nky: What does entrepreneurship mean to you?

Albanese: “Often the term entrepreneurship is thought of as just the creation or operation of a business. For me, entrepreneurship is to be unconstrained to identify problems, take ownership of or the personal responsibility for the problem, to find creative solutions, and to create new value.  In this sense, entrepreneurship should be fundamental to organizational and team culture. This mindset is empowering to others and allows both traditional businesses to excel and new technologies to be created.”

LINK nky: How did you connect with Blue North?

Albanese: “Our connection with Blue North happened last year with an introduction to Dave [Knox Blue North’s CEO].  Connecting with Blue North happened at an exciting time during our first year of business.  Dave has transformed the community and offerings that Blue North is bringing to entrepreneurs in the region.  This connection led to educational and networking opportunities as well as engagements to promote our business.”

LINK nky: How has Blue North helped you?

Albanese: “Blue North has been an invaluable strategic partner, connecting us with like-minded partners and sharing insights and guidance to navigate startup challenges. Blue North has also provided opportunities to support corporate planning and strategy.  It is inspiring and tremendously valuable to be a part of the Blue North community of network of entrepreneurs.”

LINK nky: What do you think has been the biggest challenge you’ve had since you started the company?

Albanese: “Our biggest challenge we’ve faced since our inception is the introduction of novel concepts to an industry deeply rooted in traditional practices. The construction sector, only recently, has begun to embrace significant technological advancements. It’s a daunting task to disrupt established business methods. However, we’re witnessing a rapid influx of new technologies such as 3D modeling and AI, similar to those in other industries, into the construction space. We like to envision ourselves as facilitators, aiding manufacturers in navigating these transitions, ensuring their products are selected, ordered, and their data is readily available to decision-makers.”

LINK nky: What are some of your long-term goals?

Albanese: “Our long-term vision for Configure is to create an ecosystem where contractors and building owners can instantly connect to the resources they need, be it through a PDF, a digital model, or a set of design plans, and make immediate purchases with just a few clicks. We envision a future akin to the consumer industry, where media consumption or product recommendations on a website are just a few clicks away from an order placement. We foresee a construction industry where buyers have instant access to critical information such as lead times and availability, and can swiftly secure quotes and place orders. That’s the future we’re building towards.”

LINK nky: Do you think that Northern Kentucky is a good place for entrepreneurs?

Albanese: “Having experiences with both traditional businesses and tech startups, I firmly believe that Northern Kentucky is an exceptional hub for entrepreneurship. The initiatives taken by organizations like Blue North have made it an ideal location for budding entrepreneurs, providing a readily accessible resource for guidance and support during the initial stages of their journey. The community here, ranging from smaller entities like KLH to giants like P&G and CVG, is incredibly supportive, interconnected, and invested in each other’s success. I’ve found this environment to be an excellent breeding ground for innovation. Specifically, in the realm of construction and digital ordering, the presence of contractors and e-commerce companies in this region has made it an ideal place to establish and grow our business.”